Thursday, January 30, 2014

One Morning at Ayala Triangle Park

So what exactly does one do in Makati at 7 A.M.?

That’s the question I had to answer when I found myself in Makati way too early for an appointment. I’ve been helping someone with his English and I didn’t want to be late for our breakfast chat. Makati,  it seemed, was savoring its morning sweet spot – when the night owls were heading back to crawl under their rocks while the office workers were inching their way to the central business district.

There was one thing, though, that I knew for sure – I was hungry. I passed up breakfast to beat the morning rush and was now starving. Even if a breakfast meal at one of the fast food chains was the obvious choice, I opted to go classic Pinoy and  walked to Pan de Manila. Eight pieces of pan de sal should do it, I supposed.  I admit I can gobble up eight pieces of that fist-size bread in one sitting. And so with the warm brown paper bag in my hand,  I went through the underpass and walked up to the park.

I must confess that I have a love-hate relationship with this park. I love that it actually exist, a seeming green haven amid the hustle and bustle of the business district.  On the other hand, I hate that it has been dubbed as our local Central Park.  It takes more than just being surrounded by skyscrapers to earn that title, I imagine.

I entered the park through the fountain area of Tower One, which was practically deserted except for a mother and her child. More people came into view as I further walked inward. Runners were making their rounds; office workers passing through; and people on benches were busy with their mobile phones. 

I wanted to sit on the grass but unfortunately, it was wet. So instead, I had to make do with the stone benches around the square where they staged the lights and sounds show during the holidays. Interestingly enough, I overheard the couple sitting on the next bench talking in Hindi while two older east Asian gentlemen animatedly conversing in Chinese. I spotted a couple of white people amid the joggers and another one working on his laptop at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.

To my right was a woman busy with her mobile.  Thought she might be hungry too so I offered her a piece of pan de sal which she declined. As I was happily stuffing my face with freshly-baked bread, a man came up to her and kissed her. She giddily kissed him back and entwined her arms with his. He then took her bags and they happily walked away and out of the park. Who knew lovers meet at the park early in the morning? I certainly didn’t. I then looked around and apparently they weren’t the only couple in the vicinity. The others were either walking hand in hand or sitting next to each other, showing some mild public displays of affection.  

I eventually  finished off the entire bag of pan de sal and gulped down my tumbler of orange juice. And as I footed it back to my side of Ayala Avenue, cars were beginning to pile up at the intersections. It seems that the workforce has reached the CBD and another workday is about to start.  

1. Chef Lau's Pugon Roasters
2. Cafe Momo
3. Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

Ayala Tower One fountain area is almost deserted at this time of the day.

If you want to run, make it Makati? 

He's doing some push-ups!

Green in the concrete jungle. 

Maintenance work starts really early.

Cafe Momo is one of the three restaurants that serves breakfast at the park. 

Dogs are walked around the park, too. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Holiday Presents!

So, what’s your favorite holiday (2013) present?

With today being the last day of Epiphany week, the holiday season has officially come to an end. So I guess, I shouldn't expect any more presents at this point but if you have one for me, go ahead and hand it over! It would still be very much welcomed and appreciated. 

The best part about writing about what I absolutely love is that it’s easier to give me a gift. Here is my travel junkie haul this holiday season, presents that I could actually use the next time I go on the road. Thank you so much friends for these! 


I have always wanted an Aquazorb bath towel but never found the time to buy one. Being the budget traveler, I would stay at hostels that don’t provide towels.  And this Aquazorb towel, being so thin yet so absorbent, is the perfect travel companion – just about anywhere. Thank you, office Secret Santa, for granting my wish. 

Aquazorb Ultrathin Bath Towel


I always pack a tote bag when I travel and at my destination, use it in lieu of a handbag. It’s roomy, lightweight, and not so precious. And this one, sporting a Union Jack, is just perfect.  Thank you, C, for indulging your fellow anglophile. 

The Body Shop Cool Brit Bag for Life


I carry a notebook with me everywhere.  I like writing down an idea or a thought, rather than typing it on a smartphone. And besides, it’s so much easier to get the email address of the cutie beside me on the train when I have a pen and notebook on hand.  A, I do hope I would get to use this pretty soon. *Wink. Wink. 

London Notebook and Pen

One of my travel essentials is a hand sanitizer. Actually, a hand sanitizer is an everyday essential... especially in a third world country like ours. This one, I really like, for its citrus-y scent. Thanks, A!

Human Nature All Natural Spray Sanitizer


 I  like showering with soap bars when I travel. Packing a shower gel maybe the wisest thing to do but using a bar reminds me of home. Thanks C and JM for these. They smell so good!

Pacifica Tuscan Blood Orange Natural Soap and The Face Shop Nature Garden Cleansing Bar 


Unless I check this in with my luggage, I don't think I can take this with me when I fly. Which is such a shame because it would definitely come in handy when I try out the local canned goods. Yes. I love visiting the local supermarket wherever I go, trying out local flavors. 

Personal Cutlery Set includes a spoon, a fork, and a pair of chopsticks. 


I don't play cards so I can't use it to break the ice or pass the time. Hopefully, this travel game would come in handy and help me gain a friend or two on the road. Thank you, J.  I just wish the questions aren't so haaard! 

Blockbusting Movie and TV Trivia QuiZ


"This fragrance perfectly embodies a woman's independence in day-to-day life. It is very feminine and stylish, yet simple and discreet. It fits every occasion and every mood, and thus makes for a reliable everyday companion." says the Victorinox Website about this scent. I love that this fragrance is from a brand that celebrates the explorer's spirit. (Feeling explorer kasi ako e.) Thanks, A, for these two! I'll wear them on my next adventure.

Victorinox Victoria Gift Set Eau de Toilette with Body Lotion

Monday, January 6, 2014

FOOD REVIEW: Chef Tatung at Acacia Estates

When my friends and I were deciding where to eat for our Christmas dinner, Bagong Bayani Jenie suggested Chef Tatung at Acacia Estates in Taguig. Never having been there, I thought I might as well give it a try so I said yes.  Thank goodness, our Christmas dinner turned out to be yum. 

Acacia Estates, Brgy. Ususan
Taguig City 1637
Mobile: 0915-846-3234
Business Hours: Open daily from 11 am to 11pm

FOOD: The menu read "heirloom" Filipino dishes and  Philippine regional specialities. "[D]ishes Chef Tatung loved while growing up in his hometown Cebu in the Visayas; recipes he learned from his grandmother who was from Bicol in Southern Luzon and specialties he discovered on his travels around the country," says the description on the website. 

The food was indeed yum and my tummy was really happy. It was also nice to eat dishes I wouldn't normally have everyday like the Yellow Chicken Adobo or the Seafood Gising-Gising. They also offer the Aligue Fried Rice with Adobo Flakes which I kid you not, can be eaten on its own. 

SERVICE:  It's family style with the dishes served in the sharing portions and laid-out in the center of the table. 

The service started out rather good. While waiting for the others to arrive, (starving pigs that we were) Jenie, Raffy, and I decided to skip the appetizer and went to order a main - the Yellow Chicken Adobo. The dish and three servings of plain rice came out of the kitchen  impressively quick since perhaps there were only three tables to wait on. But service got a bit slower when more guests came in for dinner. I guess, that's to be expected? 

The servers were polite and didn't seem annoyed when we kept ordering for more food as well as for more service water. 

AMBIANCE: The dining area was cozy and laid-back. It felt like an updated lolo & lola house with its antique wooden chairs and tables, complimented with contemporary touches like the photos, art, and lamps.  

But there's a catch though. When you alight from your car, brace yourself for the stench from the nearby creek. It really reeks! 

PRICE: Given the charming cozy dining area and the yummy food served in sharing portions, their prices are reasonable. Chef Tatung is a good place for a Sunday family lunch or if you just want good Filipino food. 

This sculpture greets you as you enter the dining area.
I love these photographs of an elder. Aren't they lovely?
The dining area is a charming mix of antique tables and chairs.
Happy Holidays from the Tampeeps! Missing a few this year - Ramil, Tatoff who was in Singapore, and the couple from our Chicago Chapter, Jeff and Tin. Photo grabbed from Jenie Gabriel's fb account. 
This is the Yellow Chicken Adobo.  (P380). 

Behind us is the Sugbahan by Chef Tatung. It's an alfresco grill station and bar that's adjacent to the restaurant. Photo grabbed from Jenie Gabriel's fb account.