Tuesday, October 14, 2014

2nd BIMP-EAGA & IMT-GT Trade Fair and Business Leaders’ Conference

This year, Davao City proudly hosts the 2nd BIMP-EAGA & IMT-GT Trade Fair and Business Leaders’ Conference. The event is spearheaded by the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA), the Philippine Coordinating Office for BIMP-EAGA. It will be held on 22-26 October, 2014 at SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang Premier. The event expects to welcome around 800 business leaders, government officials, traders, and potential investors from the five countries within the ASEAN region.

BIMP-EAGA stands for Brunei Darussalam Indonesia Malaysia the Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area, while the IMT-GT stands for Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Growth Triangle. Both sub-regional groupings are among the most dynamic economic cooperation in ASEAN.

The city government of Davao is very excited to host the event, in fact, it has declared October 20-26, 2014 as a celebration week for BIMP-EAGA and IMT GT. Mayor Rodrigo Duterte said “the City of Davao welcomes this event as an opportunity, not only for Davaoeños, but also for residents and entrepreneurs in other cities and municipalities in Mindanao, to effectively promote investments and generate trade in their respective jurisdiction."

The 2nd BIMP-EAGA & IMT-GT Business Leaders’ Conference is a one-day, by invitation-only conference that aims to provide a venue for discussing the gains, challenges, and way forward for BIMP-EAGA and IMT-GT specifically in taking advantage of the opportunities presented by ASEAN integration by 2015 through integration of trade, investment and tourism initiatives.

The 2nd BIMP-EAGA & IMT-GT Trade Fair on the other hand is a three-day exhibition that will showcase products and services in some selected industry sectors mainly from the two sub-regions. The trade fair is open to all with no entrance fee.

The event also  features side events such as the East ASEAN Film Festival, ASEAN Street Food Festival, Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Summit and Innovation Expo, Importers/Exporters Forum and a Golf Tournament. 

For more information, visit the official website of the 2nd BIMP-EAGA & IMT-GT Trade Fair and Business Leaders’ Conference at www. eagaimtfair2014.com or call MinDA at +63 82 221-6929

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