Thursday, April 30, 2015

Back in Boracay: three must-eats in boracay

These three are the closest we have to local food on the island. These three have been in Boracay long enough to be institutions, me thinks. And as far as I know, they can't find be found anywhere else but in Boracay.

Apart from being good grub, the best thing about these three is that they offer real good views of White Beach.

1. Cool down with a Jonah's Fruit shake.

What is a more quintessential island drink than a cool fruit shake? And sipping them in view of one of the best beaches in the world? What more do you need?

a jonah's fruit shake seems to be  the unofficial welcome drink of the island. 
2. While away the afternoon with coffee and Calamansi Muffins at Real Coffee.

Real Coffee's Calamansi Muffins is a boracay delicacy (at least to me.) It's tangy, dense, and perfect with coffee. And now that it fronts onto the beach, it's a good spot to do some muni-muni or people-watching. Take your pick.

when in boracay, look for this sign and go in.

3. Have a vegetarian dinner at True Food.

It's said to be the oldest restaurant in Boracay. But what I am sure of is that this Indian restaurant serve yum vegetarian food. I like my pork and chicken so to make me want to eat vegetarian food while on the island says something.

this was a meal for two which we weren't able to finish. the food was quite heavy!

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