Friday, May 27, 2016

ARTS & CULTURE: Parkfest at Nayong Pilipino on May 28 & 29

The only time I ever went to the old Nayong Pilipino – the theme park of popular Filipino tourist attractions that was just few paces away from NAIA Terminal 1 - was during a school trip back in the 90s. I was in the fourth grade and unfortunately, it was raining that day. We couldn’t explore the park on foot and so had to have lunch on the bus. We waited it out – hoping the rain would let up – but if I remember right, it never did. Boo hoo.

I never stepped inside the park again, and evidently I never will be able to since it closed down in the 2000s. But apparently – much to the delight of many - it has been resurrected and taking shape again in the former orchidarium of Rizal Park. It is nothing like its former self – yet – but as we all know, one should start something at some point even if the situation is less than ideal.

This weekend, May 28 to 29,  the folks of Common Room will be taking over the grounds and will be a washing it with their own kind of cool. There will be art installation by local artists, picnic pop-up with local makers, music, food, and many many many hours of art tambay. If you want to take a break from the usual as well take a peek at the on-going construction of the Museum of National History, head to Nayong Pilipino at the Rizal Park this weekend. 

Parkfest will run from May 28 to 29 at the Nayong Pilipino Park in Rizal Park. 

Nayong Pilipino is back from the dead! Whoop! Whoop!

At the Nayong Pilipino Park is this traditional house of highland people in the Mountain Province. 

One needs to pay to join on the fun. Pay for two days and she gets a P10 discount. 

Good music at this weekend's Parkfest!

Here's the schedule on Sunday, May 29 

Here's a map to Parkfest, just in case you need some help. 

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