Saturday, March 26, 2016

ARTS AND CULTURE: Semana Santa: Salubong 2016

It is 3:30 in the morning and the church patio is packed.
Everyone within a two mile radius of the Our Lady of the Abandoned Church is here. 
I guess, nothing like faith (or death) could rouse a soul from his bed on a holiday.

The faithful has gathered for the salubong, the Filipino tradition of recreating the first meeting of the Resurrected Christ and his mourning mother. It takes place well before dawn, in front of the church. From a tower, a little girl – dressed like an angel – would sing Hallelujah and lift the black veil from face of the mourning Mary.

Odd this tradition is, really, when there is no mention of the resurrected Christ meeting his mother that Easter morning in the bible.  

The Our Lady of the Abandoned Church all lit up for Easter!
Carroza of the Risen Christ
Carroza of Mother Mary
Mary meets his resurrected son. Notice that her face is veiled in a thin black cloth for mourning. 

Early morning Easter Mass at the Church Patio
Readers (three ladies on the right), perhaps in this case singers, dressed in  Terno.

Some confetti for the Risen Christ as it about to leave for the Easter Procession.
After the Salubong Mass is the Easter Procession.  This year, the carrozas totaled to forty. 

Carroza of San Lucas Evangelista
Carroza of Santa Marta

Carroza of Santa Maria of Betania
One of the bigger carrozas, the Pentecost scene

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