Monday, December 17, 2012

25 Days of Christmas: Excelente Ham

"If you're lost, get yourself to Quiapo. From there, you'll find your way home." So the saying goes. With all the buses, jeepneys, and now the LRT, you're bound to find a PUV  (Public Utility Vehicle) that could take you home or at least somewhere near it. It seems that even with the rise of CBD, Quiapo remains to be the true heart of the Manila.

A couple of days ago, my father found himself in Quiapo. Nope, he wasn't lost at all. Rather, he made his way to Quiapo for one profound reason - to buy our Holiday Hams. My parents love their ham - its salty bone-in goodness, and every year, they try to make it a point to have one on our table on both Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

There are other goodies to be found in Quiapo. But for the holidays, this is the best one I could think of.

The Quiapo church from Plaza Miranda. 

Excelente Ham is a holiday fixture in our home. 

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