Saturday, December 15, 2012

25 Days of Christmas: proper catch up on google hangout

Since it's the holidays and we are scattered all over the globe, we did what any group of sensible human beings would do - use technology to make chicka!  So here we are, my blockmates in uni, doing what we all love to do - gab, gab, and gab!

It was a bit tricky, getting things started, but we managed to do it.

Ciara, in Sydney, managed to squeeze us in even if she had a party in a couple hours!

Our New Yorker Nikko got all bundled up just for us. 

Martha, who's now living quite happily in San Fo, finally introduced us to her hubby. 
Kriska, in Germany, joined us an hour later. :P 

Oliver, in Connecticut, enjoying a good laugh. 
local boy Colin joins us without a mic! tsk. tsk. 
Maricar, our very own beauty queen, hangs out with us via her mobile phone. oh, she 's local too. 
And then there's me, straight out of bed! bwahahaha!

*all images by Nikko Viquiera

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