Sunday, September 6, 2015

Dapitan City's Pride : Dakak Beach Resort

Dakak Beach Resort is one if not the most visited tourist spot in Dapitan City. It's a luxurious beach resort with high standard facilities. It's located about 30 minutes away from the city proper.

I've been to Dakak twice. The first time I went there was just for a day tour. Actually it wasn't really a day tour since I visited the resort late in the afternoon. I was on a tight budget and all I really wanted that time was to visit the place. Instead of paying the P1,000 day pass, I only paid P100 for their Night Tour. 

The second time I visited Dakak Beach Resort was in December last year. I was with a group of media personnel invited to cover the launching of the Festival of Colors at Gloria de Dapitan's Fantasyland. I stayed in one of the villa's at Dakak Beach Resort along with Ate Ida from Choose Philippines. We had so much fun. We enjoyed the beach as well as the pool. We even had a side trip to Aliguay Island which I will tell you in another post. :)

Entrance fee to the resort is P1,000 for day tour between 8AM to 5PM (consumable) and P100 for night tour between 6PM to 1AM.

To get there: Charter a habal-habal from Dapitan City, fare should be around P150-P200 return. Make sure you advise your driver to either wait or come back at a specific time as it will be difficult to get out from the resort without a vehicle. 

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